Revert to Solid Fuel

Solid Fuel Conversions

FUEL CRISIS – What should we do? I am getting a LOT of emails regarding conversion from OIL or GAS BACK to solid fuel, particularly on Rayburns.

Its possible but you must be aware of the following

Parts required:
Full set of firebricks -around £120
Full set of grate parts ( 3 parts for Regent and Royal) more for MF a(11) and Supreme / Nouvelle .(15)  riddler mechanism  costs £150-£600
The chimney LINER MUST be removed – it won’t take solid fuel heat – needs ladders and builder even scaffolding in our wimpy culture now
The ash pit door MUST be airtight – so if bits cut out to allow oil pipe in, it MUST be sealed ( how? welding it will “blow ” the enamel.)
Flue box re-instated to take solid fuel- with slider plate~
An estimate of costs of parts alone would be £300-£500 for small cookers and up to £700 for bigger ones PLUS LABOUR

No I don’t want to do it .Why? Because unless you have free unlimited wood and time to cut, stack, carry, fill and de-ash you will regret the day you converted it back! Better to spend the money on more insulation or a better oil burner ( see below!)
First of all, sit down and think. Do you really want to get rid of the cooker or does it give you pleasure ; smokers tell me that gives them pleasure, but the cost of cigs would pay for any fuel increases that the cooker will use!

We are offering a COMPLETELY rebuilt cooker for burning coal or wood -see the section on the Flameview