About Tradcookers

So what’s Tradcookers Ltd all about then?

It’s my firm for buying and selling range cookers ,plus second hand spares for them.

It’s NOTHING to do with Aga Rangemaster PLC and I am NOT part of their group.

95% are second hand and NO vat is applied as we are in the Margin Scheme.

Cookers supplied to the Isle of Skye,Toulouse,near Malaga, Tuscany, Eire and the South Atlantic island of Saint Helena- between South Africa & the Falklands.

I believe in giving free advice – not waffle – but limited time makes answering phone calls tricky so please if you want to know something

  • Email me -ideally with a photo or 2 of your cooker – using a jpg format and NOT huge megapixels please!
  • State WHERE you are – cyberspace is everywhere!
  • Put an evening number if you need a return call, rather than mail

Currently ( Jan 2018 ) you are all looking to BUY

  • Electric converted Agas
  • Wood / coal burning Rayburns

We buy

  •  Aga’s that runs on coal,oil or gas-not electricity
  •  gas Rayburn 300 series -NOT 400’s
  • Some solid fuel rayburns
  • PLEASE advise location and send a photo or 2 of your cooker.

I offer you a wealth of knowledge on cookers made and supplied in the past 40 years, mostly from hands on experience from working with them!

What don’t we do?

  • Get involved in installations, oil and gas pipes, chimney lining etc or plumbing
  • Supply some models that we don’t like including 400,600,800 series Rayburns, 30 amp Agas
  • Sell cookers that are short lived and mostly foreign such as Tirollias,Wamsler,Godin,Windhager or the vintage UK Smith & Welstead,Truburn,Alpha,-I  could go on for hours!


We do use Ebay and will advise you what to and what not to buy advertised there . Please buy an E book first on the cooker type you fancy . We can arrange dismantling and refurbishment of cookers bought on E Bay – and supply spares. Note I am a POWERSELLER .100% feedback.
I get fed up with people buying the WRONG COOKER  and asking me to collect it – then to sell it for them!

www.agafixspares.com  for new spares for both Aga and Rayburn cookers, log in – we can offer trade deals as well 

About Me 

Managing Director Barry Charman2016-01-01 jan 1st valley l'yon 001

Experience – selling & installing Rayburns & Agas since 1979 . Trained in the Rayburn Guild.

Personal cookers used:

  • Rayburn No 2 , solid fuel, circa 1958 .
  • Aga model CB Standard , circa 1955 .
  • Aga Model OCB . Red Aga
  • Model E pre 74 . Converted to LPG and installed in the  FRANCE
  • Rayburn GDO on natural gas
  • Aga model Deluxe pre 74 . nat gas.
  • Oil Aga in BLUE in Shropshire,with Snugburner

Current works has an red electric kit 2 oven aga & pallet burning Flameview in Claret

most days I am in the works in Penley -a small village just inside North Wales mid way between Birmingham and Manchester but never just turn up as I can be delivering to France,taking stock to Derby. My other firm-Agafixspares Ltd- keeps me busy sending out parts -see our on line store -so at around 3.30 I head off to do the Post.

No time now to do servicing but happy to advise and maybe recommend someone to help.
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